John Lennon's Imagine Illustrated

This is an amazing art piece by Pablo Stanley based on the lyrics of the quintessential John Lennon tune Imagine. It's hard to overstate the greatness of the title track for John Lennon's second solo album: Every knows the words, everyone loves it (as far as I know/hope), and everyone understands the message is utter truth, regardless of if it is a truth they personally support or try and live up to. I am not here to preach about any of the deeper topics in the song, but I do like the idea of imagining and everyone getting along. Both seem like reasonably good things. Also good, the art. 

You can buy this as a poster at the artist's site, or simply share it with your kids while listening to the tune. And since I didn't know, I figured I should note that the Anna isn't from the Beatles song, but actually "Anna Politkovskaya, an awesome Russian journalist, writer and activist."

John Lennon's Imagine Illustrated